May 9, Lerner Game

Short Games
1. Make poetry famous.
2. Burn your initials into the sun.
3. Read poetry
from the middle of a burning building,
standing in the fast lane of the freeway
falling from the top of the Empire State Building.
4. Be Richard Speck,
rather than Gary Snyder.
5. Ride a rocketship to hell,
rather than a Volvo to Bolinas.
6. Sell arms to the Martians,
rather than wait sullenly for a letter from some deceased clown with a three-piece mind, telling you that you’ve won a bulletproof pair of rose-colored glasses for your poem ”Autumn in the Spring”.
7. Be hated by everyone
who teaches for a living.
8. Read your poetry and watch people
get headaches, vomit, weep, scream, disappear, start bleeding,
eat their television sets,
beat each other to death with swords,
and go out and get riotously drunk
on someone else’s money
9. Do not bury poetry
or dandle it on your knee like a retarded child
with beautiful eyes.
Instead, blow it up
or throw it off a cliff into icy seas
and see if the the motherfucker
can swim for its life.
10. Buy one of those beautiful
switchblade knives.

April 5, Compassionate Game

Short Games

1. Spend money to make money,
because money makes money.
2. Make the world go round,
using nothing but money.
3. Do not borrow or lend.
4. Health is better than wealth,
so buy a hospital
and make money off it.
5. Pay the piper
6. Call the tune.
7. Look at poor people in the street, on TV, or online.
8. Look at poor people in history books.
9. CHOOSE whether or not to give
a fuck.
10. Score yourself accordingly.

March 24, Rhythm Game

Short Games

1. Bang your head against the wall.
2. Slap yourself in the face.
3. Stub your toe on the table.
4. Hit your knee on the fence.
5. Bump your shoulder against a stranger’s shoulder.
6. Headbutt a mirror.
7. Punch your favorite thigh over and over.
8. Record it all and put it online.
9. Wait for the money to come rolling in.
10. Add: “Crazed” OR “Injured” to your own conditions.

March 13, Shame Game

Short Games

1. Push someone off a cliff.
2. Listen to them fall.
3. Look at them.
4. Make sure everyone hears about what has happened.
5. Make sure everyone knows how you feel about it.
6. Ask everyone else if they’re alright.
7. Don’t listen to their answers.
8. Check if anyone knows how you,
as an event organizer,
are supposed to deal with this.
9. Check if you’re allowed to go to the funeral.
10. Lose one 1d4 Humanity. Permanently.

March 10, Suit Game

Short Games

1. Travel the world in flying hunks of steel.
2. Carry an autoinjector on you at all times.
3. Talk about the future and charge loads of money.
4. Talk out of your ass and charge loads of money.
5. Admire the new and the news.
6. Watch other not only tie ties, but also not ties.
7. Bring your knot.
8. Bring your old noose.
9. Bring an extra suit.
10. Gain 1 gold for every continent you visit while sober.

February 20, Late Game

Short Games

1. Go for a walk in the woods.
2. Bring matches, in case there is a fire.
3. Bring a gun, in case someone is murdered.
4. Bring an egg, in case you find a chicken.
5. Bring a scream, in case I’ve stopped listening.
6. Bring water, in case you find a lake.
7. Bring empty hands, in case you drop something.
8. Bring money, in case you forgot the matches.
9. Bring poetry, in case everyone falls asleep.
10. Never return.

January 14 , Moon Game

Short Games

1. Look at me.
2. Tell me what you think happens
when we die.
3. Tell me what sort of fruit you would be
if you were the moon.
4. Tell me where you think you will be
a month from now.
5. Build a spaceship,
but never go anywhere in it.
6. Write the first word you come up with
on a slip of paper.
7. Put the slip of paper in my pocket
without me noticing.
8. Pay for the food with your good looks.
9. Pay for the drinks with your witty sarcasm.
10. Pay for the trip with my money.