May 29, Rotten Game

Short Games

1. Spend a summer naked,
living on a pedestal.
2. Dodge rotten tomatoes.
3. Dodge rotten eggs.
4. Dodge cabbage, carrots and kale.
5. Stop throwing rotten food at yourself.
You look like an idiot.
6. Write a bestseller about
your experiences living naked on a pedestal.
7. Change occupational status from
”escaped mental patient”
”self-employed entrepreneur.”

May 26, Weathering Game

Short Games

1. Fight your urge to run,
but don’t hide it
2. Kiss your worries goodbye,
but don’t let go of them.
3. Spend your last penny,
but not on anyone else’s thoughts.
4. Come to the end of your rope,
but don’t stop there.
5. Bite the cheek, the collarbone, the wrist,
but not the dust.
6. Hang in there.
7. Hang in there.
8. Hang in there.

May 7, Close Game

Short Games
1. Spend a year on the road.
2. Send pictures of yourself
to radio stations.
3. Collect grass from different continents,
picked at different times of the day.
4. Grow taller.
5. Learn how to play at being brave.
6. Spend a month’s salary
on a pair of sunglasses.
7. Send a letter to a stranger you think
has a wonderful smile.
8. Stare into the sun.
9. Remember where you came from.
10. Score yourself based on
how far you are from turning back.

April 5, Compassionate Game

Short Games

1. Spend money to make money,
because money makes money.
2. Make the world go round,
using nothing but money.
3. Do not borrow or lend.
4. Health is better than wealth,
so buy a hospital
and make money off it.
5. Pay the piper
6. Call the tune.
7. Look at poor people in the street, on TV, or online.
8. Look at poor people in history books.
9. CHOOSE whether or not to give
a fuck.
10. Score yourself accordingly.