June 24, Basement Game

Short Games

1. Write the name of an acquaintance on a post-it.
2. REPEAT step 1 until exhausted.
3. Decorate your walls with spirals drawn in dirt, blood, or invisible ink.
4. Place the post-its randomly on a wall.
5. Draw arrows between some of the post-its.
6. Keep a fluorescent light on until it starts flickering.
7. Throw darts at some of the post-its.
8. Laugh to yourself and record it to play back later.
9. Score yourself based on whether or not you go on to become a serial killer.

June 15, Foresight Game

Short Games

1. Buy yourself a coffin within your price range.
2. Make a playlist that’s just so very “you”.
3. Wear some really nice clothes
and a big smile.
4. Go have your picture taken and printed.
5. Write a detailed and thoroughly worked-through will.
6. Write a book about death and dying.
7. Talk to your loved ones.
8. Sit around your house all day, every day.
9. Never die.

May 31, SGFLP Game

Short Games

1. Strike a deal with yourself.
2. Don’t honor the deal you had with yourself.
3. Fret and worry,
but don’t honor the deal.
4. Complain and sweat,
but don’t honor the deal.
5. Get bored and exhausted,
so you think you don’t have to honor the deal.
6. Make plans for what will happen
once you’ve honored the deal,
but don’t honor the deal.
7. Write long texts about the deal,
but don’t write short texts to honor the deal.
8. Tell people you might not care
about whether or not you honor the deal.
9. Listen to the sound
of no one caring about whether or not
you honor a deal you had with yourself.
10. Try to honor the deal.

May 29, Rotten Game

Short Games

1. Spend a summer naked,
living on a pedestal.
2. Dodge rotten tomatoes.
3. Dodge rotten eggs.
4. Dodge cabbage, carrots and kale.
5. Stop throwing rotten food at yourself.
You look like an idiot.
6. Write a bestseller about
your experiences living naked on a pedestal.
7. Change occupational status from
”escaped mental patient”
”self-employed entrepreneur.”

May 19, Field Game

Short Games

1. Run into a bank.
2. Shout: “Put your hands up!
3. Whisper: “For science…
put them up for science.
4. Count how many hands are put up
5. Write that number down.
6. Run.
7. Score yourself based on how the jury responds
to the following defense:
“For goodness sake, you absolute cretins,
I’m not a criminal! I am a sociologist!
A soooociiioooloooogiiiist, okay?
Do you know what that means?
No! No, you don’t, do you?

April 29, Sampling Game

Short Games

1. Cordon off the time and space surrounding you .
2. Call it HERE and NOW (forever).
3. Write a story about time and space behind you.
4. Call it THEN and THERE.
5. Read your story out loud.
in the general direction of the THEN and THERE.
that’s racing toward you.
6. Stop right as all your THENs and THEREs.
collide with your HERE and NOW.
7. Sample any note that lingers in the air
immediately after the explosion
and use it to make a song.
8. Play the song for no one.
9. Score yourself
and your former selves
and your future selves
based on their opinions
about each other
at any given moment.

April 12, Guv Game

Short Games

1. Work yourself to the point of absolute exhaustion.
2. Keep pushing.
3. Keep pushing.
4. Keep pushing.
5. Stop showing up for work.
6. Start calling yourself “the Governor”.
7a. IF
…any random asshole has the goddamn gall to fucking ask “governor of what?”
tell the dipshit: “governor of this”
and punch their fucking teeth out their ugly facehole..
7b. ELSE
…initiate a staring contest
with the next shitbucket of an idiot you meet
who is also taller than you are.
8. Hate yourself.
9. Die alone.
10. Level up.