June 11, Traversal Game

Short Games

1. Come to me now,
across the plains, across asphalt and glass.
2. Come to me now,
across the water, across the telephone lines.
3. Come to me now,
disguised as yourself, disguised as rain.
4. Come to me now,
before the bulls do. Before the bulls.
5. Come to me now,
painfully fast, unbearably quick.
6. Come to me now,
step by gasp, gasp by inch.
7. Come to me now,
soaked in mist, soaked in tears.
8. Come to me now,
covered in sugar, hidden in flags.
9. Come to me now,
across the board, uncovering ground.
10. Stay for a second and breathe like I breathe:
with great difficulty and in spite of it all.

May 17, Rain Game

Short Games

1. Rub your palms together,
slowly at first and then faster.
2. Snap your fingers
in an irregular pattern.
3. Clap you hands,
but don’t keep a beat.
4. Slap your thighs.
5. Slap you thighs really hard
6. Slap you thighs really hard
and start stomping your feet.
7. Continue doing this for a very long time.
8. Scream: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
9. Do it all in reverse, going back
to slapping,
then clapping,
then snapping.
10. Score yourself based on how much
you look like you just came in from the rain.

April 17, Flaneur Game

Short Games

1. Get up out of bed, it’s 6 pm, dammit!
2. Eat something.
No, not leftover snacks.
What the hell?
3. Put on socks, for chrissake.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
4. Put on underwear, seriously.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
5. Put on a t-shirt, no one wants to see that.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
6. Put on pants, Donald Duck.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
7. Put on a sweater, because it’s cold.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
8. Put on a jacket, and make it quick(ish)
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
9. Spend maybe 25-30 minutes looking for music, podcasts, lectures, ambient field recordings, or political speeches to listen to while you walk.
10. Step outside and notice that the sun is down, it’s raining, and you have not got the time nor energy for this shit.
11. Go back inside.
12. You lose,

you loser.

January 30, Shower Game

Short Games

1. Pretend all water is gold, washing you clean.
2. Twist your head back until something goes… snap.
3. Shed a tear and sell it next time you run out of money.
4. Listen to the sound your eyes make
as you open and close them.
5. Paint yourself standing on someone’s neck.
6. Slowly turn into a mountain.
7. Slowly turn away from the sun.
8. Start collecting rain into rivers.
9. Drown the world in wealth.
10. Gain the PHILANTHROPY ability.