June 11, Traversal Game

Short Games

1. Come to me now,
across the plains, across asphalt and glass.
2. Come to me now,
across the water, across the telephone lines.
3. Come to me now,
disguised as yourself, disguised as rain.
4. Come to me now,
before the bulls do. Before the bulls.
5. Come to me now,
painfully fast, unbearably quick.
6. Come to me now,
step by gasp, gasp by inch.
7. Come to me now,
soaked in mist, soaked in tears.
8. Come to me now,
covered in sugar, hidden in flags.
9. Come to me now,
across the board, uncovering ground.
10. Stay for a second and breathe like I breathe:
with great difficulty and in spite of it all.

April 15, Proprioceptive Game

Short Games

1. Walk down a train platform during rush hour.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Don’t bump into anyone.
4. Raise your score every time you walk past someone without bumping into them.
5. Upon reaching the end of the platform, compare your score to the amount of steps you took while walking down the platform.
6. Meditate on the relationship between these two numbers for as many years as you see fit.
7. As you get close to death, return to the platform.
8. Play again and compare your two scores to declare one of your selves the winner.