June 14, Reminder Game

Short Games

1. Go through your list of phone numbers.
2. Call your least favorite person in that list
at 3 am
on a Monday morning.
3. Using a vocoder, say:
4. Listen to them respond:
”Hello? Who is this?”
5. Say:
”What do you mean? It’s me. You called me.”
6. Hear them say:
”No… No, you called me. What the fuck do you want?”
7. Laugh:
”Oh, really? You called me in the middle of the night to do what? To argue about who called whom? Really? You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
8. Hang up.
9. Mutter to yourself:
”Fucking prick.”
10. Raise your FAST TALK skill by 1-5 points.

June 10, Coffee Game

Short Games

1. Make yourself a pot of strong, black coffee.
2. Drink it as it is, all at once,
burning yourself horribly in the process.
3. Struggle to make the emergency call,
what with a swollen and bleeding tongue and all.
4. Pass out.
Dear god, just pass out.
5. Wake up.
6. Tell your doctor that you feel better.
That you’re not tired any more.
7. Go home and quickly punch every inch
of every wall
at least once.
8. Mark it as a success, whatever ”it” is.

May 8, Comfort Game

Short Games

1. Run in circles.
2. Call people you know
won’t pick up.
3. Paint you face red.
4. Head over to the wall.
5. Sit down on the floor.
6. Grip your knees tight.
7. Rock back and forth
for a very long time.
8. Tap yourself on the back.
9. Leave the ring.
10. Declare yourself the new
heavy-heart champion of the world.

April 29, Sampling Game

Short Games

1. Cordon off the time and space surrounding you .
2. Call it HERE and NOW (forever).
3. Write a story about time and space behind you.
4. Call it THEN and THERE.
5. Read your story out loud.
in the general direction of the THEN and THERE.
that’s racing toward you.
6. Stop right as all your THENs and THEREs.
collide with your HERE and NOW.
7. Sample any note that lingers in the air
immediately after the explosion
and use it to make a song.
8. Play the song for no one.
9. Score yourself
and your former selves
and your future selves
based on their opinions
about each other
at any given moment.

April 22, Maker Game

Short Games

(Day) 1. Innovate the shit out of stuff
until sparks fly and you can call it ”lux”.
Remember, DIY or DIE!
(Day) 2. Sky and cloud services are where it’s at.
Make it, break it, and then rebuild.
(Day) 3. Biodiversity or land masses;
they probably need a revolutionary intervention.
Stop, go, turn it around. It’s all good.
(Day) 4. On the clock, 24/7.
Spread fire and collect it until it lives its own life.
Be proud of what just one person can achieve.
(Day) 5. Feathers for feathers.
Self-replication is not a distant fantasy
if you reach out and grab it.
Revolutionize, optimize, but above all:
(Day) 6. Human is out, post-human is in.
This will soon change.
Think it, and it’s possible
— make it and it’s reality.
(Day) 7. Take a break.
Just sit back, relax, and,
you know,
check Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and LinkedIn and G+ and a couple of IRCs and Slack and Sina Weibo and Diaspora and tumblr and Vine and Meetup and BaseCamp and ask.fm and YouTube and Flickr or whatever.

April 2, Cabinet Game

Short Games

1. Move the trash cans.
2. Move the cleaning products.
3. The brushes, towels, old newspapers, sponges, rags
— move them all out of the way.
4. Turn the lights off.
5. Stare at the cabinet

for the lo
ngest time.
6. Crawl inside.
7. Close the cabinet doors.
8. If no one calls you
or knocks on your front door
for at least three days,
you may leave the cabinet
and declare yourself the winner of the game.

March 28, Butterfly Game

Short Games

1. Move a bit to the left.
2. Avoid the car crash next to you.
3. Go home while the city starts to burn around you.
4. Call your loved ones
and listen as you fail to connect.
5. Turn on the news.
6. Watch
and meteor showers
unfurl over, split open, roll along,
drown out, surge, devastate
in full HD.
7. Move a bit to the left.