January 30, Shower Game

Short Games

1. Pretend all water is gold, washing you clean.
2. Twist your head back until something goes… snap.
3. Shed a tear and sell it next time you run out of money.
4. Listen to the sound your eyes make
as you open and close them.
5. Paint yourself standing on someone’s neck.
6. Slowly turn into a mountain.
7. Slowly turn away from the sun.
8. Start collecting rain into rivers.
9. Drown the world in wealth.
10. Gain the PHILANTHROPY ability.

January 29, Ladder Game

Short Games

1. Climb onto a ladder across the street from a university.
2. Scream the following into a megaphone:
“We have you surrounded. You have no more places to hide! Give up now and no innocents will get hurt. You have 150 years to respond.”
3. Go back into the main university building.
4. Sit down.
5. Study poetry.
6. Score yourself based on how much
your neck feels like an ivory tower.

January 27, Comet Game

Short Games

1. Stand on the edge of today and watch tomorrow approaching.
2. Record the roar of the incoming inevitability.
3. Right as the two days are about to collide: jump.
4. Stay in the air for as long as possible.
5. Land on both feet.
6. Set another course,
for the edge of
this brave
7. Put the recorded roar on repeat.
8. Start walking.
9. Level up.

Optional: wear sunglasses.

January 26, Poetry Game

Short Games

1. Make up new words to replace the following:
hunger, vertigo, shortness of breath, paralysis, obsession.
2. Don’t call it “love”.
3. Find a pocket between the spoken and the unspoken.
4. Put the words you make up into the pocket.
5. Make regular visits to add, remove, or rearrange words.
6. Before you die,
teach all of the words
to someone you’ve never met before.
7. Add one dot to “OBFUSCATION”.

January 25, Burning Game

Short Games

1. Don’t tell anyone that you’re about to play this game.
2. Take a picture of yourself.
3. Gather all of your belongings into a pile.
4. Set fire to all of it.
5. Watch until the pile has been reduced to ashes.
6. Spend a year scattering those ashes in front of
corner stores,
used car dealerships,
home improvement stores,
fast food restaurants,
news paper stands,
art galleries,
my home.
7. Find yourself staring at your own reflection in a shop window.
8. Ask a stranger to take your picture.
9. Come see me and we’ll talk.

January 24, Selling Game

Short Games

1. Tell as many people as you can that you are about to play this game.
2. Sell everything you own.
3. Spend a year in complete solitude.
4. Walk past my house every day.
5. Walk across a continent of your choice.
6. Walk in and out of songs, poems, and fistfights.
7. Find yourself standing outside my house again.
8. Carve your name into my door.
9. Sell it as a work of art.
10. Add 1d6 to your CREDIT RATING skill.

January 23, Relaxing Game

Short Games

1. Find a comfortable bed or chair to lie in.
2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
3. Remember: this game is dependent on
your own willingness to submit to its rules.
4. Focus on the sound of my voice,
…even though I’m not actually talking.
5. Don’t focus on yesterday or tomorrow.
6. Don’t focus on things you tried,
but failed to do.
7. Don’t focus on things you wish you did,
but were too scared to try.
8. Feel your heart getting heavier.
9. Wish for sleep. Eternal sleep.
10. Rest until fully healed.

January 22, Taxi Game

Short Games

1. Talk to a friendly local cab driver.
2. Have this person punch you in the stomach.
3. Have this person shove you to the ground.
4. Have this person kick you while you’re down.
5. Have this person drive you to the ER.
6. Tell this person to keep the change and ask if they enjoyed playing this game.

IF this person did enjoy it: add this contact to your list of future allies.
ELSE: start over once you get out of the hospital.