May 4, Cloud Game

Short Games

1. Duck away from those claws, that,
until just recently,
have always left you alone
to do whatever.
2. Go into a well-lit cave.
3. Sleep next to the fire.
4. Wake up and cover your hands in ashes.
5. Draw a cloud on your chest.
6. Ask the cloud where it’s going.
7a. Wait for an answer.
7b. Turn into a cloud.

April 23, Shipping Game

Short Games

1. Sink your teeth into a treasured chest.
2. Listen to a beaten heart.
3. Leak professional help.
4. List, the way a ship does.
5. Set sail and engage in nocturnal cabotage.
6. Surround yourself with liquid assets.
7. Turn and turn and turn and call yourself eddy.
8. Gain XP relevant to this encounter.