April 17, Flaneur Game

Short Games

1. Get up out of bed, it’s 6 pm, dammit!
2. Eat something.
No, not leftover snacks.
What the hell?
3. Put on socks, for chrissake.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
4. Put on underwear, seriously.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
5. Put on a t-shirt, no one wants to see that.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
6. Put on pants, Donald Duck.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
7. Put on a sweater, because it’s cold.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
8. Put on a jacket, and make it quick(ish)
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
9. Spend maybe 25-30 minutes looking for music, podcasts, lectures, ambient field recordings, or political speeches to listen to while you walk.
10. Step outside and notice that the sun is down, it’s raining, and you have not got the time nor energy for this shit.
11. Go back inside.
12. You lose,

you loser.

March 27, Zoetrope GameĀ 

Short Games

1. Look out a broken window.
2. Paint your eyelids the same color as the sky.
3. Sit in front of a strong light.
4. Close your eyes.
5. Open your eyes.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 rapidly and for a long time.
7. Move your hands back and forth in front of your face.
8. Notice how your hands
aren’t really your hands,
and how the light
isn’t really shining on you at all,
and how you face
is less corporeal than you’d like it to be,
and how there’s an acousmatic voice
narrating your disintegration in real time,
and how people were right
when they said whatever they said
with their reptilian tongues
and their reptilian mouths.
9. Don’t cry.
10. Score yourself based on your performance.