May 6, Open Game

Short Games

1. Open your window like you
open your eyes in the morning.
2. Open this box like you
open a heart unattached.
3. Open your hands like you
open a locked door.
4. Open your mouth like you
open a dying insect.
5. Open three restaurants,
all with miss spelled naimes.
6. Open a cold case
and drag your tongue
along the inside of its lid.
7. Open your door like you
open a line of reasoning.
8. Close the door as you
leave and slip a note under it.
9. Read the note out loud:
”Ceci n’est pas une
Short Game for Lonely People”

April 17, Flaneur Game

Short Games

1. Get up out of bed, it’s 6 pm, dammit!
2. Eat something.
No, not leftover snacks.
What the hell?
3. Put on socks, for chrissake.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
4. Put on underwear, seriously.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
5. Put on a t-shirt, no one wants to see that.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
6. Put on pants, Donald Duck.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
7. Put on a sweater, because it’s cold.
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
8. Put on a jacket, and make it quick(ish)
This should not take much longer than 10-15 minutes.
9. Spend maybe 25-30 minutes looking for music, podcasts, lectures, ambient field recordings, or political speeches to listen to while you walk.
10. Step outside and notice that the sun is down, it’s raining, and you have not got the time nor energy for this shit.
11. Go back inside.
12. You lose,

you loser.