February 4, Panic Game

Short Games

1. Put very tiny kid to bed without hyperventilating.
2. Sing Lua to make the kid fall asleep.
3. Put slightly less tiny kid to bed without hyperventilating.
4. Sing Lua and GMF to make the kid fall asleep.
5. Wait until you’re sure they are asleep.
6(a). Put on headphones and play Super Hexagon until you’re OK again.
6(b). Play the guitar until you’re OK again.
6(c). Do the pillow thing to make the brain thing shut up.
7. Rest until fully healed.

January 12, Midnight Game

Short Games

10. Defend your position until backup arrives.
9.  Get out before the smoke kills you.
8. Disarm the bomb and save the day.
7. Get to the next checkpoint.
6. Kill your mirror image from the past before it kills you.
5. Collect as many coins as you can. You will need them in the afterlife.
4. Answer the question.
3. Start panicking.
2. Don’t let go.
1.  Wave goodbye.