February 5, Drama Game

Short Games

1. Get a fake, but real-looking gun.
2. Put on a ski mask.
3. Walk into a bank.
4. Pull out the fake gun and yell:
“Hands up!
This is a robbery
and I am the robber
and I am going to rob you all!”

5. Circle the room slowly.
6. Point the gun at random people
and say, to no one and everyone:
“Yeah, I’m the robber alright.
I sure am.
And you are the ones being robbed
in the robbery.”

7. Keep up your rambling until you’ve circled back to the exit.
8. Stop at the exit, put the gun’s muzzle to your temple, and say:
“Or… am I?”
9. Pull the trigger.
10. Score yourself based on whether or not you survive.

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