February 3, Survey Game

Short Games

1. Open your brain to the world’s psychic maelstrom…

There you go. Good job.

2. Answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
– Are you happy?
– What is your innermost fear?
– What are your feelings towards Thom?
– For what do you crave forgiveness, and of whom?
– Who else are you dragging down with you?
– Why do you keep reading these games?

3. Send your answers to me in one of the following ways:
– Whisper them to me in a dream.
– Encode them into a crossword puzzle.
– Hide them in a riddle and make sure I fixate on it for years.
– Meet me on an different plane of existence
and hand them over on a piece of paper.
– Send them in an email to thom.kiraly@gmail.com.
Yes, seriously. I will read and answer if you ask me to. Promise.

4. Stand by to receive your rewards in ways you will never fully comprehend or even perceive…

